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This will continue as it is a cornerstone of learning. To reflect its importance we are asking parents or carers to record reading five times or more every week. Each child will have a reading book that is targeted to their reading level so they should be able to read it confidently. If your child finds their book too challenging, or too easy, then please let us know. 

Times Tables:

A thorough knowledge of all the times tables is an expectation of all children by the end of Year 4. The Multiplication Test Check is a new national test for all Year 4 children to test this. The government has introduced this test because of the important nature of tables for accurate calculations. Currently, the children have regular tables tests and this will continue. Children who are learning tables will be given a table to revise so that they can practice their fluency at home to enable them to recall times table facts more and more quickly. Children who have not yet started to learn their tables will focus on counting.


Weekly spellings will also go home and these will be taken from learning in class. Learning what words mean, how to spell them and being able to write them in a sentence accurately is a vital skill in writing so words sent home will continue to be tested.

Topic Menu:

Following the suggestions of the Learning Council we have introduced our ‘Topic Menus’ which will tie in with your child's learning in class.  At the beginning of each term we will publish the menu and then you and your child can choose to complete any of the tasks.

This is not compulsory, however, some children may want to attempt one or more task from the list and they will have the term to develop their ideas.  Please bring your completed project into school so that it can be shown to the class and in Collective Worship.